Nutrition and Health

SOMAFER : Viande et Nutrition

Meat is a food with high nutritional value.


Meat belongs to the same food group as fish and eggs. The National Health Nutrition Program (PNNS) recommends eating these foods once or twice a day and alternately. The portions must be adapted to the daily needs of each person. The average portion recommended for an adult is about 100 to 150 grams per day to be spread over 1 or 2 meals.

From a nutritional point of view, meat brings wealth and quality. Everything is a question of balance!


> Protein quality, in quantity:

Proteins are biological molecules whose activities can be very varied within the cell or the organism. Meats contain an average of 20% protein. Rich in essential amino acids, they are used in the synthesis of proteins specific to the needs of the body.


> Minerals better assimilated:

Minerals are natural inorganic elements or compounds that make up the earth's crust. Like proteins, they are essential to the body and intervene in several vital functions of the body. Meats help to meet our needs for iron, zinc and selenium.

Meats are by far the best source of food for iron. This iron has the distinction of being much better assimilated than that which is present in vegetables and cereals, it is the same for zinc. It is also one of the foods that contain the most selenium.

SOMAFER : Viande, Vitamines, Fer, Zinc


> Vitamins B in quantity:

Present naturally in many foods, vitamins are chemical substances essential for the good health of an organism but without energy value.

Meat is a major source of B vitamins: B3, B6 and especially vitamin B12 which is exclusively present in animal products. For example, it intervenes in the synthesis of DNA, in the formation of red blood cells and in the balance of the nervous system. It should be noted that cooking it for a long period of time partially destroys vitamins.


> More or less Lipids:

Lipids are fat, they are the ones that vary the energy value of meat, that is to say the number of calories brought to the body. Saturated and monounsaturated fats are found in meat, and these play roles in the construction and functioning of the body.

The lipid content is very variable depending on the pieces and the animal species. Each species has fat pieces and lean pieces. Removing visible fat can substantially reduce lipid levels. The decrease in fat intake during cooking goes in the same direction.

SOMAFER : Grillades


> No carbohydrates:

The meat does not contain carbohydrates, and if so, in negligible quantities.


> Learn more:

L'essentiel des viandes

MANGER BOUGER - French National Nutrition and Health Programme



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